
Showing posts from July, 2021


Today I rode from Pasadena to Escondido, 142 miles, averaging 19.5 mph— faster than my typical pace. My route was very flat— no climbs over 1/2-mile, and nothing steep. The majority was pancake flat. The weather was much cooler and cloudier than it has been the past few weeks, still humid, though, and I had a slight tailwind for most of my ride. There were lots of cyclists out today. I saw way more cyclists headed the other way (North) than the way I was headed (South). I added the Back Bay loop— one of my favorite places to ride in Orange County. There’s a great bike path, it’s scenic, and only one car (I believe cars are prohibited but I’ve seen them all three times I’ve ridden this loop). Back Bay typically has lots of dogwalkers, kids on bikes, and e-bikes, all of which have the capacity to be annoying, but not today. I remembered when Brook and I rode this loop as part of the Beach City Double Century a few years ago, and his taillight lost power. I loaned him one of mine, and he ...

Local Steep Climbs in the Heat

I rode some local, steep climbs in the heat today after work. Air temperature was 90 degrees, with a slight breeze from the south.  If I’m going to ride steep local climbs, I prefer riding in La Canada The steep roads in La Canada north of Foothill have better road surface and a more extensive canopy, which makes them slightly cooler on hot days than the closer steep climbs in Altadena. La Canada motor vehicle traffic is generally lighter and more attentive to cyclists, too. 

Circle of DaWilson

  On Saturday, I again rode the 120-mile Circle of Doom route, plus Dawson Saddle and Mount Wilson, that I call "Circle of DaWilson." I woke up at 4:00 am and left home at 4:45 am, with lights, to beat the heat, which I did. I made it up to the Crystal Lake cafe at 8:00 am, and Dawson Saddle just after 9:30 am. I put in some hard efforts on the climbs after Crystal Lake, including the Islip Saddle to Dawson Saddle segment, on which I set a personal record by over two minutes. I did end up overheating and almost bonking hallway up the final climb to Mount Wilson. I slowed down, drank some gatorade and ate some gel, and that seemed to help. Still, when I arrived at the Cosmic Cafe at the summit, I sat and rested my head on the picnic table, sweating, with my eyes closed. I got back home early, took a long bath, and watched the film, "Sound of Metal," which I enjoyed. It's stayed with me. The acting is great, the tone is very uncomfortable, and it comes across almo...

Wednesday Velo

  The Wednesday Velo ride leaves Velo Pasadena at 6:00 pm. It’s a 20 mile group ride that attracts between 20 and 40 cyclists. I’ve been riding this group ride for about a year. Everyone is friendly and most everyone rides safely, pointing out potholes and pedestrians.  Today’s pace was more civilized than last week’s. My legs felt good today. Weather was hot (above 85) until we got to Chevy Chase, where it cooled down to the high 70’s.

Congratulations, I started a blog!

On Saturday I rode the "Circle of Dawson" route and added the Mt. Wilson climb at mile 90. I rolled at 5:30 am to beat the heat, and arrived back home at 2:00 pm. The highlight was running into a riding buddy along Foothill before 6:00 am, and chatting with him for about 30 minutes. He rode the same route (minus Mt. Wilson) but is a much faster climber than me.  He commented that I was sweating a lot as we chatted. I responded that I know. I tend to over hydrate the day before a long, hot ride, and I sweat a lot when it’s humid, even if I’m not excerpting a lot of effort. I was able to climb to the high point of the route, Dawson Saddle, by 10:00 am, where the air temps were under 80 until I started descending. The climbs to Red Box and Mt. Wilson were both above 90, and I had packed sufficient Gatorade and Cliff powder to both refill and drink a full, 24-ounce bottle at each water stop. I didn’t see any other cyclists until I refilled at Red Box, and the few I saw there look...